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Arabica Coffee & Robusta Beans: The Different Types of Coffee Beans

Arabica Coffee & Robusta Beans: The Different Types of Coffee Beans

Coffee is the world’s most popular drink. Around the world, it is estimated that a staggering two billion cups are drunk every single day. Although there are over one hundred coffee species in existence, each with their own distinct characteristics, two types of coffee beans account for around 98% of total production globally.  These two types of coffee beans are known as Arabica and Robusta.  Just Why Are Arabica Coffee Beans So Popular? It is believed that Arabica coffee beans were the first coffee plants to be cultivated by humans. Its long history has been documented stretching as far back...

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Pod Packaging

Pod Packaging

What You Need To Know About our Coffee Pod Packaging It would have been no use designing the world's most sustainable coffee capsules if we then wrapped them in layers of toxic materials. So we didn't. Staying true to our brand ethos of quality and sustainability, we have ensured that all Halo packaging is as environmentally friendly as possible. In order to adhere to our strict standards of sustainability and to complement the composability of our capsules, Halo boxes, insert, stickers and laminate are also fully home compostable.  Our fully eco coffee packaging begins with our boxes and inserts. Printed...

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Coffee Sustainability

Coffee Sustainability

Can Coffee Sustainability Save and Grow the Industry Simultaneously? Ask anyone who is concerned about sustainability and the environment whether they think that people should reduce their consumption levels and try to find ways to address their carbon footprint, and the answer will be a resounding yes. The reality, however, is much harder, because people don’t want to let go of their tastes, change their diets, or adjust their transport habits. For the coffee industry, coffee sustainability has presented a united front, whereby consumers can enjoy more thoughtful coffee with lower emissions and negative impacts, and producers can benefit from...

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